hello its me
my name is not so important
as my stories are all that will matter in the end
names mean very little in these days
so for NOW
I'm just a girl....
like many girls
i breath
i eat
i dream
i sleep
i work
i stress
i pee
i poop
i lie
i cry
i love
i laugh
i ache
i pray
i AM.......
I'm reasonably attractive
and of average intelligence
I'm undereducated
and over loaded.....
My objective here is simple
In this process
i may make
and in the end
all will be moved
I am a sinner and I am a saint.........
I'm possibly to candid for my own good
and yet incredibly shy......
I'm the average voice who is not afraid to speak ......
I'm deeply compassionate
yet i spare no punches.....
We are in the midst of great change
the direction we head is still looming on a dark and unknown horizon...
from this point in history forward
life as we know it isn't going to be the same.....
In acknowledging this
i begin this journey.....
I will state now as my disclaimer
do not read this if you are not ready to FEEL....
I am not responsible for any feeling evoked hereafter......
I wish you all peace and blessings in every moment of your life.....
and I hope that from my words, and my stories
offended or agitated as you may become
that you are moved to ACT.....
So if it evokes you to take a stand for what ever it is you DO believe, then i have served humanity well....
Inertia is required in life....
The moment we loose the passion for living is the moment we begin to fade....
For now welcome to my world....... a world of mystery and logic.......
expect the unexpected and hold no preconceived notions.....
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